The features of the ADNOS IR-dryer:
In principle, IR-dryers have a simple job to do: to generate sufficient heat to accelerate the oxydation drying process of printing inks. The problem really is to direct as much of the heat as possible to the ink and at the same time to keep the heat away from the press. The key to the solution of this problem is the reflector technology. ADNOS uses specifically designed and accurately computed reflectors made from aluminium, which not only excels by its durabilty, but also reflects the wave-lengths generated in an IR-dryer better than any other material.
Not at all! IR-dryers are meant to generate heat and are not supposed to work as a fridge. ADNOS reflectors reflect the IR radiation almost completely and therefore don’t get warm enough to need cooling. The absence of extensive water cooling also considerably increases the rate of efficiency of the IR radiators. Therefore the ADNOS IR-dryer needs only a fraction of the amount of radiation energy compared to conventional systems.